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SafAlert™ Notifier is an automated TXT & email dispatch notification system triggered by any programmable single, or 2-tone signal, such as fire/EMS dispatch.
SafAlert™ provides supplementary emergency dispatch notification for First Responders, Firefighters, Medics, Emergency Managers, and other personnel who need immediate notification of emergency situations.
SafAlert™ Notifier listens for specific tones, then alerts users in several different ways as desired. Visual and audible local alarms get attention on site, and email and MMS (mobile) alerts may be delivered to almost any cell phone or computer within seconds.* Recorded dispatch audio may be attached to emails for instant replay on mobile phone or office computer.
Unattended operation
Mobile phone as Voice Pager
Receive audio / text messages (MMS) on mobile phone or PC
Send text alerts from any computer or connected mobile device
Supports multiple stations when dispatched on a common frequency
Instant replay of last dispatch
Keeps a log of all alerts with recorded audio
Up to 5,000 users per system
Supports multiple stations when dispatched on a common frequency
Correctly handles "stacked pages" when two or more stations are dispatched for the same call, and delivers alerts to the appropriate personnel.
Many individuals live, work and travel in areas where radio coverage is limited, or don't carry a pager. It's all to easy to miss a critical call, especially in rural areas, even when wearing your pager. SafAlert™ MMS/SMS notification can bridge the communications gap and help prevent missed calls. You can even receive pages from another city, state or country.
Cellular networks have far greater coverage than any 2-way radio system, and include an automatic store-and-forward system for text / MMS messages. If you do happen to be in a "dead spot" when the message is sent, the cell carrier's server will hold the message until you are back in range of a tower, then deliver it immediately.* If there are any reception errors, you phone will request the missing data be repeated until the entire message is received perfectly. It's a very robust system.
Government purchase orders accepted
Any single or dual sequential (1+1) A/B 2-tone format such as
DTMF decoding available on request. For EAS/NWS S.A.M.E. use EASAlert
Who's using SafAlert near you?
SafAlert User Map
[click above for interactive map]
* Note: Once a message has been sent, there is no way to control speed of delivery. MMS/SMS messages are usually delivered within 15 - 60 seconds, but can take longer depending on local network conditions.
By purchasing or installing this software, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the License (EULA).
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