Aviation SELCAL-32 Decoder
About ComTekk AvCall
Ver. 2.0
ComTekk AvCall makes use of the computer sound card and software DSP (Digital Signal Processing) techniques to decode and instantly display aviation SELCAL codes (ICAO Annex 10), a 2+2 tone signaling system used to "page" aircraft via HF radio on overseas flights. This keeps the cockpit receiver quiet until communication with a specific crew is requested.
ComTekk AvCall displays SELCAL codes received and checks a local database for aircraft registration which will also be displayed when a match is found. AvCall also includes logging and recording capabilities, allowing later review of received traffic. SELCAL tones are normally transmitted on AM modulation while voice traffic is passed on USB (upper sideband) mode. AvCall includes a serial relay control output which may be used to automatically switch modes on receivers so equipped. AvCall is intended for both aviation professionals and radio enthusiasts.
1. Credits
Brian R. Williams, NB5R
ComTekk Engineering, LLC
2. License
To view the License Agreement, click: