Instant Recall Recorder Software
A. Troubleshooting FAQ
Click on highlighted links for more details about a particular subject.
1. VOX mode is not recording even though I'm hearing audio through the computer speakers.
2. Where do I find the hidden folder where automatic recordings are stored?
1. VOX mode is not recording even though I'm hearing audio through the computer speakers.
Several things to check:
a) Be sure the audio you are hearing is registering on the VU meter. If not, then you need to select the correct audio input.
b) VOX Threshold may be set too high, or audio level is too low.
c) Be sure VOX Mode is selected.
2. Where do I find the hidden folder where automatic recordings are stored?
In Windows 2000, XP it will usually be in C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\iRecall
Windows 7/Vista location is: C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\iRecall
<< more FAQs will be added as we receive additional user feedback >>
B. Technical Support
Registered ComTekk users are entitled to twelve (12) months email technical support at no charge. Telephone support is available for US$75.00 per incident plus any applicable long-distance fees.
Technical support issues should be directed to: