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Tone Generator

User Manual


Installing ComTekk




Adding Features





  1. After downloading ComTekk, locate the installer file saved on your computer.
  2. Double-click the installer to begin installation, following the on-screen instructions.
  3. Click "Finish" to complete the installation.
  4. Congratulations! You can start using the Basic Version of ComTekk immediately.
  5. To test your computer system's compatibility with ComTekk, select "Compatibility Test" from the "Tools" menu. Be sure your speakers are connected and turned on. To begin, click the "Test 1" button. The text box above will give the details on the current test.
  6. You should hear a 5-second tone of 1.5KHz. If not, check your Windows Mixer settings. If you still hear nothing, be sure to read the Support FAQ.
  7. If test one is successful, continue with Test 2, then Test 3.
  8. Click "Close" when finished testing. If these 3 tests played correctly, all the ComTekk signal generators should function properly.
  9. Calibration: A sound card has its own internal timebase which is typically not very accurate. This can be a problem when trying to produce an exact tone frequency. ComTekk v1.06 and later includes a convenient auto-calibration routine. See the Calibration section for details.





Registering your software:

  1. After purchasing a license with the desired options, run ComTekk by double-clicking the desktop icon, or run from the Windows Start Menu.
  2. Click "Help" on the menu bar.
  3. From the Help menu, select Register.
  4. Enter your registration name and serial number (you may use copy/paste for best accuracy), then click "Register."
  5. If successful, you will see the registration success message. You can see your registration details at any time by selecting "About" from the Help menu.
  6. Your registration will enable all the options you have purchased.
  7. Be sure to exit ComTekk and restart to enable new features.




Installing an Upgrade Key:

  1. Purchase additional feature(s) online. You will recieve your new registration key by email.
  2. Follow the directions for Registering your software above to install the new key.
  3. After successfully installing the upgrade key, EXIT ComTekk, then run again.
  4. Your new features will now be available.


If you have any problems, first review the Support FAQ. If you still cannot resolve the issue, feel free to contact Technical Support. Your registration includes one year of free e-mail technical support.