SECTION I. About ComTekk DispatchSMS
1. About SafAlert
ComTekk DispatchSMS provides a convenient, intuitive system for dispatch of email and text (SMS) messages, utilizing an email or SMTP account. The software may be used as a stand-alone method of dispatch or as a supplement to existing radio dispatch systems. Message recipients may be chosen individually or by group buttons. Locations or street addresses can be automatically included as a clickable link to several different free map providers, enabling recipient to get directions on mobile device without requesting from sender.
A reply-to email address, if monitored by dispatcher, allows for 2-way messaging or message acknowledgement. Messages may be flagged as Urgent by the dispatcher. Most email / SMS clients will display these as priority messages.
2. Credits
Copyright (c) 2011 Brian R. Williams
BW Consultants / ComTekk
3. License
To view the License Agreement, click: